Offices generate their very own ecosystem
We have been immersed in office design for 15 years now, and actively contributed to its development. ____ Yet our imagination for the best suitable piece of furniture exceeds the availability on the market. Hence we came up with our own line of products especially developed for office life ____ We see prêt-à-bureau as the logical next step to our personal path and as a new approach in solving office furniture.
To fulfill our own expectations for quality and service we partnered with Michal from Exbydo, who impressed us with his energy and ability to adapt to the dynamic environment we work in. ____ Exbydo is a family‑run company, producing furniture already for 3 generations.
meet the creators
from Luxembourg, under 40. Co-founder, designer, strategist, and awkward dancer
Humpolec born, outdoors aficionado. Head of production, quality control and logistics
Interested in working together? Get in touch!
Luxembourg office
9, rue de la Sapinière
L-8150 Bridel
+352 691 627 027
Prague office
Charlese de Gaulla 629/5
160 00 Praha 6, Bubeneč
Czech Republic
+420 602 468 823
Humpolec warehouse
Lužická 600
396 01 Humpolec
Czech Republic
+420 565 533 675
© photocredits by David Kraus
© prêt-à-bureau 2022
powered by prêt-à-bureau